Patient Navigator Blog

The Patient Navigator Blog

From advice on specific illnesses to tips on how to communicate with your specialists, there’s a wealth of knowledge on the Patient Navigator blog.

Recent Posts

Patient Advocacy

Four Steps for Successful Patient Advocacy

In this podcast published in June 2022 by the Moss Reports, I’ll speak about the journey that led me into my pioneering second career as a patient navigator and the patient advocacy profession that has since been created as a necessity to overcome the failings and complexities of the American healthcare delivery system. I will…

Press Kudos

Patient Advocates – Consumers’ Checkbook Reporting

Patient Navigator LLC was interviewed for this excellent reporting by Jeff Blyskal at Consumers’ Checkbook. His article explains clearly the many ways an advocate can help patients and families solve problems and find their way through the healthcare maze. If you’d like to learn more about how an advocate can help you, now or in…

Patient Stories

Patient Navigator Works with the Elderly and Their Children

Local advocate serves as liaison between hospitalized father and out-of-state children. Patient Navigator was contacted by the adult daughter of an elderly man who was a patient at a top cancer hospital. She requested that our Houston-based navigator  Dr. Zorrilla accompany him to his oncologist appointments in order to relay information accurately between the oncology team, her…

Patient Stories

Patient Navigator Mediates Complicated Family Situations

Starting the end-of-life conversation. Nick’s wife had been very ill with an incurable disease for five years. She had begun to ask about end-of life options, especially hospice and palliative care.  Patient Navigator provided Nick and his wife with useful information that they could use to begin a family conversation.  We suggested local palliative care…